Behavior Change

Behavioral science is the study of human behavior, which is incredibly complex.

When we think about changing our behavior, it is important to have an awareness of not only ourselves and how our brain works (the person), but we also need to acknowledge that we are part of a larger culture and society, which we can refer to as our environment.

We influence the environment, and the environment also influences us. In thinking about behavior change, there are internal (person-focused) conditions that must be met for behavior change to happen. Similarly, there are also external (environment-focused) strategies that can help to enable behavior change. All these elements come into play and influence how we make decisions and why.

What needs to be true in order for behavior change to occur?

The COM-B model was developed to distill what elements need to present, in a person, in order for behavior to change.

  • What it looks at: What is needed for behavior to change (person-focused)

  • What it says: Capability, opportunity, and motivation are key factors required for changing behavior (Michie et al., 2011). “To engage in a behavior (B) at any given moment, a person must be physically and psychologically able (C) and have the opportunity (O) to exhibit the behavior, as well as the want or need to demonstrate the behavior at that moment (M) (The Decision Lab).

  • So what? Food choice architecture strategies, while environmental strategies, can influence person-focused capability, motivation, and opportunity.

In our environment, what tools can help enable behavior change to happen?

The Levers of Behavior Change summarize what key principles are used to effectively create behavior change.

  • What it looks at: Key strategies for behavior to change (environment-focused)

  • What it is: A behavior change framework made of six behavioral levers. Each lever represents a group of intervention strategies that are evidence-based and rooted in behavioral and social science (Center for Behavior & the Environment).

  • What it means: Changing the context in which choices are made is a critical lever that allows us to design solutions that reflect people’s full range of behavioral motivations and barriers.

  • So what? Choice architecture is recognized as a key strategy in influencing behavior change.

Choice Architecture

Choice Architecture - or changes the decision-making context - is a powerful lever that can be used to change behavior. Choice architecture:

  • Does not eliminate choices

  • Does not change the incentives or disincentives of doing a behavior

  • Goes beyond giving factual information

  • Relies on cognitive biases, habits, and routines

  • Makes the target behavior the default option

Choice Architecture: Designing the decision-making context through the way we prompt, structure, or frame choices to influence behavior.


Key Takeaways

  • Behavioral science looks at why we behave the way we do.

  • We influence our environment, and our environment influences us.

  • Behavior change theories and frameworks suggest what is needed in order for behavior change to occur.

  • Choice architecture is changing the context or environment in which choices are made.

  • Using choice architecture will give us the biggest bang for the buck by influencing how the vast majority of decisions are made.